Threats to Biodiversity

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Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.

      6       7          


3. A population which has lost much of its genetic variation due to a disaster may suffer the ______________ ________ . (10,6)
4. Breaking up of a habitat. (13)
5. Term used to describe non-native species which become established. (11)
6. Term used to describe non-native species which out competes the native species. (8)
8. Term used to describe an organism which copes better with climate change. (10)
9. Period in which a population improves in numbers is called the ____________ period. (8)
10. To remove and use up individuals at a rate faster than the rate of reproduction. (11)


1. Narrow strip used to link isolated fragments of land. (7,8)
2. Caused by the greenhouse effect. (6,7)
7. Term used to describe non-native species put there either deliberately or accidentally. (10)